A Postman Makes His Deliveries In Funny Costumes And He Has Brightened The Day Of Dozens

People say that time defines us, and maybe you’ve heard that too. Some of us try to make the best of a bad situation, while others find solace in the comfort of their homes. But, despite all the troubles, there is a special group of people who still try to make the most of each day and spread joy and positivity.

Jon Matson from West Boldon, UK is one of the few people in the world who still care about other people. People in this group are volunteers who make sure that people’s hearts remain kind and helpful. So Jon found a bright and funny way to entertain himself and other people during the coronavirus quarantine. He changed his uniform and made it look fancy, and he shared it on Instagram. So we at Ruoox have collected them below to share with you and you can also join at the end of the article to value Jon’s character of thinking about the happiness of others.

More info: Instagram



It was a time when the coronavirus pandemic pushed the vast majority of millions of workplaces and lives to shut down overnight. But John bravely continued with his job as a postman during that time. Despite the challenges the lockdown raised, John decided to make positive changes and bring back some of the old normalcy. What a creative way he chose to do it – ditching his postal uniform for funny character outfits! It made his deliveries the most expected event of the day for everyone on his path.




As well as helping to lighten the load during that difficult time, John’s sense of fun also helped relieve his stress and anxiety as he continues his work. Most of them are neighbors and friends since Jon makes his deliveries in the same area where he lives. That way he got to know all his customers, and even John could feel the joy he was spreading among his coworkers and the residents of the block.



Everyone in his path was interested to watch this Disney-like postman make his delivery routes in bright clothes. John’s jokes delighted his neighbors and gave them something to look forward to each day. His social act went viral on social media, and sometimes people even waited at the windows and doors to see what his new character would be. The fact that so many people are happy and have something to look forward to, be it his arrival or a parcel, has managed to lift his spirits as well. Seeing how many people can find happiness in difficult times – that’s how John himself found the motivation to overcome the challenges that came his way.




We at Ruoox are thankful for all the kind and helpful people who care about others and try to make others happy. In such difficult times, this kind of care can make a difference. Whether it’s dressing up as a superhero to deliver the mail or any other creative way to lighten up the day, the important thing is to make sure we continue to find the positive rays that hope to get through this.
















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