Artist With Disability Defies Odds By Creating Impressive Portraits With Her Feet, Here Are 30 Of Her Best

Life is truly a wonderful thing. It is a gift we have been given and a chance to experience all that the world has to offer. But as wonderful as life is, it is often challenging. There are ups and downs, twists and turns, and times when everything feels against us. But no matter how many challenges we face, we can reach happiness in life. Indeed, it can be found if one has the courage, resolve, and effort to pursue it.

Fortunately, there are people like Fatemeh Hammami Nasrabadi. They inspire us to believe that nothing is impossible and that you can choose happiness even in the face of trouble. 33 years old, Fatemeh is an incredible, bright, and inspiring young woman from Kashan, Iran. She has found a unique way to show her creativity – by using her feet to draw incredibly detailed portraits! Despite being 85 percent paralyzed, her ability to draw detailed portraits using only her legs is truly amazing. Can’t wait to see her paintings? Then scroll down.

More info: Instagram |



Fatemeh has become an internet sensation and is successful as a football fan and portrait artist. Many people recognized her as a football fan, after creating an excellent painting of the super player Ronaldo. It went viral on the internet, and she got a feeling among many people with her ability. However, Fatemeh continued to grow her skills by drawing more portraits of football players. Her resolve, patience, and incredible talent are an inspiration to us all.




Fatemeh creates characters using colored pencils, and it takes time and patience for her to design them. She has managed to overcome her disability by following her passion and developing her techniques. And she’s captured the world’s attention with pieces of her painting process and her catching smile. If you want to know more about this inspiring artist and take her wisdom to heart, you should check out Fatemeh’s Instagram account. There she shares her creative process and parts of her painting process closely. Her art and her story are sure to inspire young women around the world.



Fatemeh is a great example of courage and strength as she slowly rises via painting. Despite her physical limits, she is still able to draw her characters with colored pencils. However, Fatemeh told Bored Panda that she finds it quite difficult to paint during the creative process. Because she works with only one leg.



Even though she was born with a disability, she loves to draw since childhood. Therefore, the fact that Fatemeh is happy even today is that she did not give up her efforts, and she did not lose hope. To find happiness in life, we must have the courage to face our worries and face the challenges that come our way. This means stepping out of our comfort zones and trying new things, even when we are unsure of the outcome. It also means being brave enough to admit when we are wrong and ask for help when we need it.



In addition to courage, resolve is key to finding happiness in life. We must be ready to work hard and persevere through difficult times, knowing that good things come to those who strive. This needs setting goals for ourselves and working towards them, no matter how long it takes.



So, if you are still wondering where you can find happiness in life, remember that it is within your reach. With a little courage, resolve, and effort, you can reach anything you set your mind to and live a fulfilling and happy life.



We can all learn a lesson from this amazing artist. Happiness is a decision, indeed! Let us draw inspiration and motivation from Fatemeh’s story and use it to stay strong and make the most of our lives, however of our status.
















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