20 Awesome Pics Of Extinct Animals That Take You Back Millions Of Years

Sharing the planet has become more difficult than we expected as a species. We don’t need to have disputes with other creatures living in the world. But in fact, due to the changes that humans have made to nature intentionally or indirectly, some animals have become unable to survive and have become extinct. Some of this is due to natural processes and the actions of those animals, but the majority is associated with human industry, agriculture, and habitat expansion.

Many rare and endangered species still exist in the world today. New endangered species are discovered almost every day. Some were extinct before we discovered them. Therefore, even now, scientists are searching for information by digging and exploring almost every country in the world. Most times, they use the skeletons they find to create an image of the animal. In some times, other parts of the body have also been found.

A subreddit called ‘Nature Was Metal’ has been sharing information and images of extinct animals from millions of years ago. Often here you will share good ones that you have never seen before. That collection of lesser-known images and information will take us back in time. Scroll down and join the curious creatures that you have never seen before.

More info: Reddit

1. Megalodon & Human Size Comparison 

2. Tyrannottian Was A Large Carcharodontosaurid That Lived In South America, Argentina, During The Late Cretaceous (66-68 Million Years Ago). Unlike Its Other Relatives, Tyrannotitan Was Very Robust And Bulky For A Carcharodonosaurid, Even Being Considered “Tyrannosaurus-Like” By Some.

3. “Dogor” An 18,000 Year-Old Puppy That Was Discovered In The Siberian Permafrost. He’s So Well Preserved That His Nose And Whiskers Are Still Mostly Intact. 

Since the beginning of life on Earth, nature has caused extinctions of its own. But it has been revealed that both nature and humans have contributed to the eradication of these animals. Even now there are many species that are on the verge of disappearing forever due to this situation. Regardless of how nature behaves, we can make good choices to stop human error now and in the future.

4. A Neanderthal Father With His Child. Reconstruction Made By The Kennis Brothers.

5. 10 Million Years Ago, Turtles Could Eat You With A Single Bite.

6. A Comparison Between The Skull Of A Sarcosuchus And A Nile Crocodile.

A variety of techniques are being developed to restore extinct species and save endangered species today. Cloning is one such method. According to this curious development, it has been discovered that those animals can be brought back from the dead, but many people doubt whether they will be real. Have you seen these images before? If not, don’t forget to share with us through the comment box below if you have taken any knowledge from this.

7. The Giant Monster That Was Argentinosaurus .

8. Reconstruction Of Sue, The T. Rex, In The Field Museum In Chicago.

9. This Brachiosaurus Skeleton.

10. These 250-Million-Year-Old Detailed Crinoid Fossils.

11. An Incredibly Intact Crinoid Specimen Fossil Dating Back To About 345 Million Years Ago! 

12. The Licking Bison Of La Madeleine Was Carved On A Reindeer Antler Fragment In Upper Paleolithic France Sometime Between 20,000 And 12,000 Years Ago. It Depicts The Now Extinct Steppe Bison. 

13. A Preserved Foot Of The Giant Moa Bird. An Extinct Species Were Native To New Zealand. It Grew To Be 12 Feet Tall. 

14. An Argentinian Farmer Recently Found 20,000 Years Old Fossilized Glyptodons.

15. I See Your Various Well-Preserved Animals And Raise To You A Smushed Baby Mammoth (Credit Ruth Hartnup).

16. Triceratops Femur (Left) Vs Elephant Femur.

17. This Spinosaurus Skeleton.

18. When Breeding, Australian Gastric-Brooding Frogs (Rheobatrachus) Would Stop Producing Gastric Acid, Swallow Their Eggs, And Carry Them In Their Stomachs Past Metamorphosis. Extinct Since 1985. 

19. The Tail Of A 99 MYO Dinosaur, The First One Ever Discovered. Perfectly Preserved, Still Covered In Feathers. 

20. Around 26000 Years Ago This Lion Cub Was Abandoned In A Siberian Cave By Her Mother Who Either Went Hunting Or Was Killed Never To Return. Unable To Feed Herself, The Cub Dubbed Sparta Starved And Has Been Perfectly Preserved Since. 

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