Student Captures The Reaction On The Faces Of Her Friends, When Says They Are Beautiful

It’s not something we think too much about that people are beautiful. From our friends and our families to the people we meet on the street, everyone is different and unique in their own way. Some people are tall and thin, others are short and fat. Some people have brown hair or blue eyes, while others may have red hair or green eyes. However, you’ve heard a million times by now that people are more interested in beauty these days than ever before. Social media plays an important role in bringing about this transformation in society.

When you ever said “You’re beautiful” to a friend or loved one, have you noticed their facial expressions or how they react? But Shea Glover, a high school student in Chicago, did that social experiment to find out their reaction. She had captured the beauty she saw in her peers in front of her camera and shared them online. So we want to inspire you too, so we’ve collected what Shea saw on their faces below. While scrolling down and enjoying them, don’t forget to send this post to your friends who are looking for some fun.

More info: YouTube


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful

Many people say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people may be right, but others are not. Beauty for them is something that originates in their mind, and sometimes they create it by comparing it to someone else.


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful

Shea posted the project as a video on YouTube, and her video has got over 25 million views. She says in the video that she knew some of the friends who participated in this project, but most of them did not know her. During the project, she received responses that made her smile as well as responses that made her sad. You can see more by watching Shea’s YouTube video at the end of this article.


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful


What Happens When People Are Told They Are Beautiful

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