‘Doctor Peyo’ The Therapy Horse Is The Best Medicine For Cancer Patients In France

When it comes to comfort and mental well-being, there’s no refusing that animals can provide it. They bring us joy and anyone who has a pet knows that. Furry friends are often the best medicine for mental freedom, but did you know that a horse can do so much more?

Peyo is a bright spark at Calais Hospital in France, a special stallion of only 16 years old. This friendly and loving four-legged friend spends his days comforting cancer patients at the end of their lives at the hospital. He often brings a moment of joy and peace to patients, even reduces their pain, and does not allow them to depend on heavy medicines. We at Ruoox looked into how this therapy horse is healing patients and found the following photos from their Instagram page. So scroll down and find out how this gentle giant is making a difference in patients’ lives.



Peyo is not a showman but instead provides comfort to people in need. Peyo has a special gift, spending most of his time helping terminally ill cancer patients at the Calais Hospital in France. He was originally trained to participate in equestrian shows. But his handler, Hassen Bouchakour, quickly noticed something unique.



After the shows, among the people who come to see them, Peyo is naturally attracted to people who are physically or mentally ill. So, the trainer decided to help those in need through this unusual behavior of Peyo. They then began working with a healing organization called Les Sabots du Coeur to study Peyo’s unique abilities. However, Peyo and Bouchakour are now working as volunteers at the Calais Hospital in France to help their patients. They come every day to provide relief to the patients in the palliative care unit.



Today, the former show horse has won a nickname for himself with his special gift of comfort. That nickname is “Doctor Peyo”. He has an incredible ability to recognize when someone is in need while visiting patients. Peyo goes to the door of the patient’s room and raises one leg. It’s a tricky sign, and Peyo’s handler Bouchakour knows his every move.



Before Peyo visits each patient, his handler cleans him with antiseptic wipes. Sometimes it takes two hours, and it’s more useful to make sure he’s ready. Since Doctor Peyo spends most of the day in the hospital, Peyo even knows how to signal when he needs to go out for a bathroom break. Bouchakour has trained him well to do them.



Both patients and their families and guardians are sure that Peyo’s presence instills strength and hope in an otherwise difficult case. Now in his tenure, Peyo has become a true friend to over a thousand patients. But to Peyo’s handler, he is more than a therapy horse. He is a life partner and friend to Bouchakour.



Peyo’s duty to help those in need is inspiring. Peyo’s story is one of kindness and pity and is sure to inspire and bring hope to everyone. He shows us that friendship and kindness can bring peace and comfort even in the most difficult times.




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