25 Girls Share Their Ugly Faces To Show Even Photogenic People Have An Unpleasant Side

A woman’s face may be beautiful in real life but not photogenic. So when you see her, she’s fascinating. But it doesn’t look so good in photos. Some people are very photogenic. That’s why they look beautiful in the photos. But when you see them in real life, they are normal or ugly.

There are plenty of people who hide their flaws and take great photos from all angles. Often using airbrush techniques, amazing body postures, and facial expressions and managing them properly. We at Ruoox like to see the truth in the fake world some women show on social media. So we have made for you 25 shares shared in the subreddit group called ‘You are so beaut-OHGOD!’. So these girls are here to show you what ugly faces are behind all the photos. Keep scrolling and enjoy a ride that is flavored with humor.

More info: Reddit

1. let me take a moment to…

2. I always make this face when I look in the mirror

3. Before work, after work

The purpose of the pictures you see here is not only to give you a sense of humor but also to show that even the most photogenic people have an unpleasant side that you may not think of. Due to the unrealistic pictures posted on social media, many women get a misconception and this can reduce the difficulties that may arise in finding such beauty. However, in this subreddit with almost 100K people, we have to express our thanks to every girl who came forward to show this truth to the world. You will be able to understand from these girls that the Pretty Girls you see on social media are not as cute as you see them.

4. There are two sides to every coin

5. Instagram vs reality

6. Surprised myself with this one

7. Online vs Reality

8. I wish I knew what happened, but I can’t explain

9. my best vs my worst yeah boi

10. Don’t worry I took the pretty one first before I channeled my inner ugly

11. Cat girl, but also catfish

12. I went to an 80s-themed party

13. Straight to hell

14. Majestic river sprite to bog witch

15. Saturday vs Sunday morning

16. During the day vs End of the day

17. Inspired by a drowned rat

18. Am I doing this right? XD

19. The ability to morph

20. I heard I might fit in here

21. Just A Few Seconds Apart

22. Took this gem mid-blink

23. A visual representation of how I feel before and after my morning coffee

24. I’m quite proud of my chin dimples

25. Had to balance the scales

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