20 Good Deeds That Prove The World Is Still Full Of Great People

Everything people do either unconsciously or they do it for their good. When doing good deeds, people feel good about themselves. People please themselves to be happy. If killing pleases a person, they tend to kill. If helping a stranger makes a person happy, they are more inclined to help a stranger. That’s how people act, and they’re often addicted to the pursuit of happiness. Humans are actually the simplest and most obvious creatures in this world.

But human nature is not fixed. It changes, sometimes bad people do good deeds, but good people also do bad deeds. Our reactions and action depend on the situation. However, if you want to find out what reasons and deeds people are happy for, the ‘Happy Reddit’ subreddit has ready for you to show them. Nearly 500K members have joined this destination to share their experiences and celebrations of the good deeds they have done with anyone. We at Ruoox have compiled the photos of these deeds that they shared in the hope that they will give you a good lesson for the future.

More info: Reddit

1. Can you imagine that, how happy is this family now?

Last week I helped for them to clean. I offered free cleaning help, but end of the day they paid me! 6 hours cleaning.

2. Adopted this sweet girl yesterday. Cassy Lou apparently enjoys the water! It was a lovely day.

3. When the surprise goes perfectly according to plan…

There is uncertainty about many issues that we all face. So it seems that this Reddit home is more relevant to people in any difficult situation. It’s really nice to have a relaxing place like this where you can celebrate and share small wins and positive content. So don’t forget to share the article with anyone who is interested in good content and needs a boost.

4. My kids make me happy.

I am the proud father of a blended family. This is my son and his half sister looking good after her first dance recital.

5. Started new job today. Pick up new friend named Salem tomorrow.

6. My little girl was beyond happy to be on her first seadoo ride.

Life on this earth is meaningless, especially human life. We live every day hoping for a better tomorrow. That is good, but we want more and better things. So that’s what drives us forward: hope.

7. I went to a paint night with my mom the other night. We had such a good time, and it was the happiest I’d been in a long time.

8. My Baby She Hulk (7F) got her own mail. 

Thrilled it was her former First Grade Teacher, as my daughter goes into Second Grade. Teachers are a calling and gift. I hope we can someday gift them what treasures they have bestowed on us all back.

9. A month ago I cleaned a messy living room for free.

Yesterday the owner sent me a message, and she showed a picture of the living room. But the real surprise is , she was able to clean her kitchen alone! This is why I help for these people. Because they need a little push, and that’s can change a lot!

All people have two sides, good and bad. So everyone tries to behave well at some point. Good people are those who have compassion for others and have a good heart. This is why good people look better in situations. But bad people also have a soft corner. They have feelings too. Some opportunities come into their life, so at that time they do good deeds.

10. I’m thankful for my friends! I don’t know where I would be without them!

11. Reading is my escape.

I decluttered a handful of my books that I’ve finished and I decided to drop them off at some local “Little Libraries” near me. Left a little note in each one for the next reader.

12. My husband laughing hysterically during our wedding vows. These photos always make me smile.

13. I hung up my art at a restaurant at Pike Place Market last weekend a step up from the cafes I’ve been in the past.

One of the employees just sent me this saying this is the first time in a while a customer has ever actually LOOKED at the art on their walls. I’m BURSTING WITH HAPPINESS RIGHT NOW.

14. I’m 32 never married no kids and accepted the fact that being single is ok.

I got sent an edible arrangement from someone I’ve had a few dates with. I haven’t been this happy in years. Just wanted to share it with someone.

15. I met these ladies on a flight while they were on their way to party it up in Cabo.

They were hilarious. We shared music, colored together… Best flight I’ve ever had. Honestly, reminded me to just enjoy life more.

16. My grandmother has collected every “year bear” since they started but she was missing 1989… My girlfriend and I got it for her birthday. I’ve never seen her so happy!

17. My son and I are buds, and it’s the thing that makes me happiest

18. My parents had divorced but just got remarried to each other.

19. I used to get made fun of for bringing “different” food for lunch, so I finally created a children’s book of my “stinky” Japanese food to teach other Japanese kids to celebrate their culture too!

20. My brother just self-published a children’s book so his daughter, who was born with a limb difference, could see someone like her as the hero of a story. I’m just so dang proud.

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