Ink, Wit, and Endless Surprise: 24 Unbelievable Comics by Nicholas Gurewitch

Prepare to step into a world where humor knows no bounds and the surprise is your trusty friend. Meet Nicholas Gurewitch, the mastermind behind “The Perry Bible Fellowship” (PBF) comics, where whimsy dances hand in hand with the dark and the delightfully bizarre.

For over a decade, Gurewitch has been weaving his beautiful tapestry of laughter, challenging patterns, and tickling funny bones in the most surprising of ways. The magic of PBF lies in its ability to cross the range of feelings, from loud laughter to dreamy nods, all within the confines of a single comic strip.

More info: Instagram


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics

With each stroke of his pen, Gurewitch designs a brew that is both beautiful and unsettling. His comics guide you through the everyday and the controversial, showing a medley of themes that invite you to delve deeper. From the absurdity of everyday life to the deep questions that remain under the cover, PBF is a maze where humor tiptoes on the edge of darkness.


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics

It’s the versatility of his artwork that sets Gurewitch apart in the kingdom of comic artistry. His canvas welcomes a motley crew of characters – from strange people to human-like animals and fantastical beings. The simplicity of his black-and-white illustrations belies the complexity of the records they unfold, leaving you both chuckling and entertaining together.


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics

Under the easygoing gags lies a complex web of purpose and meaning. Gurewitch skillfully crafts each panel, infusing his comics with layers that invite understanding and thinking. What may appear as a clear punchline often carries a nugget of deeper relevance, a thought-provoking essay on life’s quirks and puzzles.


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics

One cornerstone of PBF’s charm is its ability to transform everyday designs into windows of laughter. From the severe relatability of social uncomfortable to the ever-elusive dynamics of relationships, Gurewitch’s comics strike a chord with readers who recognize themselves in the impulsive mishaps of his characters.


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics

An essential part of Gurewitch’s creative journey is the special “The Perry Bible Fellowship” series, a gem trove of standalone comics that cross a plethora of themes. With over 360k followers on Instagram, the series has become a haven for lovers of the weird and the wild. Here, Gurewitch changes fan suggestions into comic facts, enabling dynamic relations between the artist and the audience.


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics

So, whether you find yourself guffawing at a hilariously twisted design or musing over the hidden layers of an innocent strip, one thing is clear: Nicholas Gurewitch’s “The Perry Bible Fellowship” is a kingdom where humor dons a cloak of darkness and where the surprising is celebrated. As you engage yourself in this beautiful universe, remember that laughter has many shades – and in Gurewitch’s world, they all twist seamlessly, leaving you both confused and drawn.


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics


Nicholas Gurewitch comics
© PBF comics

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