A Health Blogger Compares Instagram Vs. Reality With Body-Positive Pics

Instagram is often a place where people post pictures of their food, exercise, and their lives. But these are not always the reality. The body positivity movement has been growing for years now, spreading self-love and body favor among people. No wonder we see so much of it on social media. However, in a world where women are sometimes still judged by Instagram pictures, Sara Puhto wanted to remind people that they are beautiful no matter what they are.

Sara Puhto, a body-positive health blogger from Finland, has a message for her followers: “Nobody’s booty looks round and peachy from every angle.” She thinks so because she saw the difference between how a person looks in a photograph and how that person actually looks in real life. In her Instagram posts, you can see her working to stay fit at the gym, try on fashion, and eat right. But something else is going on here. Her posts show that she is toiling to answer self-image issues and body issues. Sara posts side-by-side photos that enlighten followers about the reality of Instagram photos, and we’ve prepared a few to share with you below. Scroll down and join us to check them out.

More info: Instagram




The blogger has been posting these photos for years now. She wants to convince people that true beauty comes from within rather than outward appearance. Some people wish they had someone else’s body. But Sara says no one should have that thought.

“Please don’t wish you had someone else’s body. Love the body YOU have because there’s nothing wrong with it. There’s no point in wasting time wanting to look like someone else because the reality is that everyone is different and you will never have the same body as someone else.”




Some people don’t like their belly fat to look bigger. Instead, they suck their tummy and limit their desire to enjoy themselves freely. It does not give them a way to even wear clothes that they like. Sara says that it is a stupid idea, “Nobody is judging you and even if someone was then that’s a reflection of their inner insecurities, not yours. You are not fat. We all have fat, especially on our tummies and it’s completely normal. And that fat does not make you worth any less as a person!”


You look amazing. So wear your favorite outfit with trust, and your beauty will shine.




















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