Mom Shares The Birthmark Of Her Little Girl Born With A Very Special Birthmark

Birthmarks are something that many people can point to as a permanent memory. Although not all have it, those who have it have the ability to increase their attractiveness towards themselves. Birthmarks are often discussed among people because of the various beliefs and stories about them. In fact, some people are motivated to remove birthmarks because of the stories in society as well as thinking about the difficulties that the concerned people have to face in society.

But since birth, this little Winry was prepared by her mother, Nicole Hall, to avoid the embarrassment of society due to a birthmark on her face. By introducing her in front of social media in a very attractive way. Winry was born with an unusual birthmark that spanned half of her face. But her parents’ minds turned into a bit of panic because they didn’t know about it before she was born. When Nicole was handed her little girl, she thought it was a bruise, but doctors told her it was a rare birthmark called Congenital Melanocytic Nevi (CMN).

However, did you know that the incidence of the disease is about 1 in 20,000 new births?
At first, the parents were worried that this situation would lead to a dangerous situation for the child, but after the doctors said that it was not, they were relieved. But Nicole’s concern became how others would treat her and how Winry would view herself. Nicole had a strong belief that she would grow up confident and happy. To further help her, she decided to share photos and videos about Winry and her family’s life through TikTok and Instagram. So here’s how they happily enjoyed their new family member.

More info: Instagram | TikTok

1. In The Last Days With Asher For The Baby, In Good Preparation



Scroll down to watch. Little Winry has an older brother. After learning that mommy was indeed carrying a baby, Asher was anxious to know when he would get to pet her. He was so excited that he had even chosen songs to sing for her. He doesn’t mind the scar on her face, and the two of them are very close now spending time together. Nicole is always working with her husband to protect little Winry. Also, she is directed to socialize with others to treat her with respect and compassion in society.




It was fun for them to share this little girl. And Nicole would like people with birthmarks like this to get together a little more and get a better understanding of it. This is done to make someone who sees it for the first time understand that it is not a matter of surprise.















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