25 Wonderful Paintings By An Artist Who Creates Realistic Paintings Using Mint Tin

Do you like mint too? Anyone who is fascinated by that taste knows the fun in it. One thing that often comes to mind when talking about mint flavors is Altoids Mint. It comes in a small tin and comes in a variety of flavors, and has been popular with many people. But today we are not going to tell you about Altoids Mint.

A lot of people use the little tin that comes with it after tasting Altoids Mint for a lot of work. It’s easy to pack anywhere, has the ability to store small things, and has the ability to create different designs. It’s useful for a lot of work. So today this article brings you about an artist who creates beautiful paintings inside these Altoids Mint Tin and his creations.

Remington Robinson is a talented artist who grew up in the Chagrin Falls area of ​​Ohio, USA. In the early days, he entered the field of art from Plein air painting and saw other people creating paintings on the mint tin and entered this art as a hobby. Yes, it’s really fun art. Many people say that this is like a portable drawing technique. He creates beautiful realistic paintings in the tin and this opens the door to becoming a prosperous artist for him. Here are some of his most beautiful creations that we have prepared for you. Scroll down to enjoy them and you can connect with him through these links.

More info: Instagram | remingtonrobinson.com | Facebook





Most of the Altoids tin used by Remington is tin purchased from eBay and is sometimes donated by other people to create for him. He chooses a new tin for each of his creations.


There, he does something special. It is used to paint the upper side of the tin and to store the paint needed for the bottom painting. So when the painting is finished, the remaining paint is allowed to dry in the same tin. So you might think it’s a waste. But he sees it as some kind of artifact and part of a work of art.




Most people take from 30 minutes to 6 hours to finish a like painting, and Remington also takes 1-3 hours. However, his goal is to do the maximum justice to what he wants without caring about time. He often chooses the environment around his home for his creations and also has a passion for painting scenes depicting a particular weather event.




The greatest inspiration for his work is nature. At the same time, the foundation of his great creations has been laid by his own effort and experience. So what do you think about his creations? We would like to ask you if you have ever eaten Altoids Mint, how did you reuse that tin?















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