25 People Their Headache-Inducing Extra Weight Loss And They Shared Before-And-After Photos

Maintaining a slim and healthy body is something that almost everyone cares about. But what a blessing it would be to inherit such a body without much sacrifice! However, today obesity has become a topic among many people in the world and the number of people who are eager to lose weight due to obesity has also increased. The reason for the weight gain is that we have become a sedentary society nowadays.

100 years ago, people were farming and did not have all the machinery they needed to work. We only bought what we could not grow or make ourselves. We did not sit at tables all day. Our workout was done by exercising in nature as opposed to exercising in the gym. If we look at when obesity became a real problem, we will see a direct link between processed eating, eating out, the jobs you sit for six hours a day, and the entertainment you sit on. However, with the current lifestyle, it is easier for people to change their religion than their eating habits. Losing weight is not easy compared to gaining weight.

But the many successes we have brought to you today show that you can lose weight permanently and healthily. But this is not an easy task and requires a great deal of sacrifice. In the fascinating pre- and post-gallery pictures below, the community shares their dietary success and reveals how they managed to lose 10, 20, 50, or 100 kilos. So scroll through the gallery below and enjoy their stunning success.

1. My Nickname In High School Was Lard Ass And I’ve Been Over 220 Pounds Since 5th Grade. I (27F) Started IF In January 2020 And For The First Time In My Life, I Weigh 160! Looks Like I Need A New Nickname.

2. Down 175 lbs. Maintaining Since The Summer Of 2020, But Body Composition Continues To Change.

3. 430 lbs To 277 By 10 Months, Still Fighting The Good Fight. 

If you are going to start a weight loss program, you need to keep your expectations real. Changing lifestyle and mindset to keep you underweight is ridiculously difficult and can be a real challenge. However, if you too have decided to lose weight or have an idea for it, we recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified doctor or consultant. So we would like to ask you, are you a person who has managed to lose weight like this? So how many kilos did you lose?

4. The Pic On The Left Was Exactly 3 Yrs Ago When I Was The Best Man At My Buddy’s Wedding. I Was Close To 600lbs. Around 230lbs Now.

5. 445+ To 225 Pounds. 10 More Pounds For My Goal Weight. 6-Year Journey.

6. 350lbs To 180lbs Loose Skin Is Hard, And The Journey Hasn’t Been Easy, But I’m Living In Ways I Couldn’t Before. Healthier And Stronger.

7. Lost 200 Pounds In A Year. Just Did The 20:4 Fast And Walked 5km Every Day. (360lbs To160lbs)

8. 261lbs To 153.8lbs By 11 Months. These Pictures Were Taken One Year Apart. It’s Hard To See Myself As Small As I Am, But I Also Can’t Remember Myself Ever Looking That Big.

9. 317lbs To 215lbs By 23 Months Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop. Numbers Are Slowing Down With The Weight Loss, But I Changed My Routine/Diet For More Muscle Growth And I Feel Great.

10. 235lbs To 120lbs A Little Over A Year Of Progress- I Don’t Even Recognize Myself Sometimes!!

11. 425lbs To 150lbs By 3 Years, Summer Always Makes Me Think About How Far I’ve Come!

12. These Are My Old Favorite Pants! 350lbs To 160lbs, Maintaining No Skin Removal.

13. 271lbs To 119lbs Unfortunately Not The Result Of Structured And Healthy Choices, But The Result Of A Hard Time In My Life.

14. 371lbs To 292lbs Weight Loss Progress! So Many Ups And Downs. But Fitting Into My Old Suit Was A Big Mental Win.

15. 278 To 165lbs Loss, Entering The Next Chapter Of My Health Journey: Maintaining The Weight Loss Forevermore.

16. 220lbs Lost. I Know These Posts May Be Annoying, But I Figured It Was Finally Time To Post My Triumph. Years Of Fighting And I Finally Won!

17. 298lbs To 180lbs Took 2 Months To Lose The Last 3lbs, But I Finally Hit My Goal Weight. For The First Time In My Life, I Am No Longer Actively Trying To Lose Weight!

18. 14 Months, 150 Pounds Lost!

19. 184 To 138lbs All Thanks To Diet, Exercise, And A Pandemic.

20. Weight Loss Of Apx 90lbs (270 To 180) From Men’s Shirts XL To M. Success!

21. What No One Tells You Is That Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle Is Just As Hard, If Not Harder, Than Actually Losing The Weight.

22. 195lbs To 130lbs Loving That Post-Break-Up Weight Loss.

23. 205lbs To 135lbs By 13 Months Running 3 Miles A Day And Calorie Counting Helped Me On My Weight Loss Journey!!

24. 340 To 190 By 14 Months Weight Loss Progress.

25. 260lbs To 128lbs In 2020/21 I Started My Weight Loss Journey, Halved My Weight, But Never Felt More Me.

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