These People Prove That You Can Find Mildly Interesting Things In Daily Life You Have Never Seen Before

Almost anything can be interesting if you can give it your full attention. Maybe something else demands your attention. ‘You have some work to handle’ Sometimes there are such many breaks. But even if that doesn’t happen, most of us are distracted by a clear interest that is always at work. Suddenly, nothing surprises you anymore if you feel tired or confused. But this article is to show that many things are going on in this world that can be mildly inspiring, even if you can’t give it your full attention.

Even when we go online and scroll up and down through our social media accounts, many events can surprise us. So we thought of combing through this huge page. Now you are about to travel through an interesting collection of the ‘Mildly Interesting’ subreddit, and members have come together to welcome the mildly interesting in here. We have collected them below for you, come and have a see. At the same time, don’t forget to describe your feelings about these at the end of the article.

More info: Reddit

Underdeveloped “mermaid’s purse” (Eggs) from inside a dogfish my mate caught.

This sunflower reaching new heights

the condensation from the AC is creating a lush environment.

There is an absolutely adorable gem on the internet that surprises us almost every day. The community continues to be one of the strongest and largest on this platform, having built up over 20M members. Here, members are on a mission to share fun and mildly exciting things they come across in their daily habits. As you scroll through this list, they remind us to be mindful of our backgrounds and that even in the things we don’t pay attention to, there are ideas for new chances.

Someone pasted smiley faces on the mangoes.

This traffic light in Germany has a little girl and a camel as signal lights

The airplane trails above my city made perfect 8-legged asterisk

We like to think of ourselves as intelligent beings, but we are often distracted by constant breaks. That’s why we miss a lot of things happening around us. Some people are curious about their backgrounds. Those who continue to maintain that curiosity sometimes become scientists, artists, inventors, etc. The fact that there are so few people like this shows us that most people are not quite curious about their backgrounds.

I got two dragon fruits with different flesh colors

A bird decided to make our light it’s nest.

My Bell Pepper was growing Bell Peppers

Something really mildly interesting is something that is neither very exciting nor very attractive, but somewhere in between. It can be quite fun. But often quite curious things appear through this. Approval of these is different from each other. Mildly interested to some may be boring to others. It depends on the individual’s mindset and choice. So if you keep an open mind you can find something interesting every now and then. Just like this.

Bathroom sign in Bosnian Pyramids

An extra row of teeth

The tube on my expanding foam can cracked, resulting in this mess. The glove is irremovable.

This rock I found with seaweed growing out of it

The time I got 4 double yolk eggs cooking breakfast for my kids!

My tea after I left in our old refrigerator overnight

In some parts of Canada, we have minimum speed limits on the highway.

My Popeyes chicken tender that kind of looks like a dinosaur

The tomatoes I picked from my garden on one day (from 5 plants)

just a man and his birds in home depot

Wife just pulled a complete yolk out of her egg-in-a-basket

This mould pattern on an orange looks like a map of Australia

This monstrosity of a tomato my mom grew in her garden

this old potato is giving birth to new baby potatoes

One of our peppers wrapped around another

Part of my dinner tried eating another part of my dinner

This sand timer for measuring your “performance”

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