30 Times People Shared Then And Now Photos Of Their Puppy Growing Up, They Make Our Hearts Rise

When a little playful puppy was brought to our house, there were lots of cute facts about it when it was young. Touch it, carry it and walk here and there, watch their cute journey, maybe you have experienced these too. So you can love your little puppies and spend time with them until you don’t realize how big they are. Maybe the puppy sleeping on your lap today will wake up like a panda tomorrow. But they’re the same puppies, they’re just a little bit bigger.

So we thought looking at some great photos of these sweet canine souls’ situation then and now status will brighten up your day. Ruoox has compiled a collection of images for our readers, to be able to focus on even while working out. After watching these, you will no doubt revisit your dog’s memories with new inspiration.  So at the same time, we invite you to share this article about cute puppies that grew up faster than anyone thought with your friends who are longing for pets.

1. 6 weeks vs. 6 months

2. Our pup turned 1 today.

3. Mine and my fiancé’s puppy at 10 weeks, 5 months, and 1 year!

4. My dogs, Rome and Axel, 1-year difference

5. My little buddy turned 1 today!

6. I got lily 1 year ago today, this is her then vs today

7. My puppy then and now

8. Puppy then, adult now

9. 8 weeks vs 1 year with our Great Pyrenees puppy. She grew up way too fast

10. 14 years ago I took a Polaroid with my brand new puppy, Captain. Here’s us today

11. I seem to have gotten weaker…

12. It’s just not the same anymore…

13. What a difference six months make.

14. Just wanted to share my dog Pelly. Today was his Gotcha Day. He helped me get through a very tough year. Couldn’t have done it without him.

15. My niece and my dog niece growing up.

16. They grow up so fast

17. Just a bit of puppy growth in 5 months

18. What two months of puppy growth looks like…

19. Seven weeks of puppy growth.

20. Four months of growth in my baby cattle dog. Someone make it stop!

21. Same dog, just 1 year apart

22. I see your 5 months growth and raise you this 5 months growth

23. this is what 6 months can do to a bulldog

24. First picture was taken April 7, second pic was taken today (my cake day!). Chewie grew SO much in just 2 months (but he looks more like his namesake now).

25. The difference two years can make…

26. My boy Bruno, from 9 weeks to 7 months

27. This good boy did a heck of a grow this year

28. Taken 4 months apart, is this normal?

29. Nina~July 14 2021 and today

30. Buffy (and her daddy!) – from 4 months old to just over a year old

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