That’s A Lot Of Trash: Photographer Spends 4 Years Turning The Waste They Produce Into A Beautiful Art Project

You might think that people are more aware than ever of the amount of waste they produce and the environmental impacts related to it. But you must be wrong for some reason. One reason is that we all know that living in a world with a lot of waste is something we have to put up with. Although we try hard to change things, the problem is that people don’t care enough about what they’re doing when making changes. And the lack of visibility of these issues in our daily lives is another reason why awareness is not as high as it should be. They usually take place on an invisible scale and are made even less so by modern technology.

So before you throw something away, think about what it means to you. What is it that you’re throwing away? Is it an object that no longer fills a purpose? Is it something that has become outdated? Or is it a symbol of something you need to let go of?

However, although we may not have these thoughts, Repessé’s photography project raises these kinds of questions. It’s a good lesson about waste management. This unique project by photographer Antoine Repessé is called ‘#365 Unpacked’. It challenges us to rethink our role in society in using waste. This work, done with the garbage collected over four years is not only fascinating that is limited to a photograph but also provokes our thoughts. So, scroll down – enjoy Antoine’s unique ‘#365 Unpacked’ project. If you’re interested, you can check out Ruoox’s previous article about Greg Segal’s “7 Days of Garbage” project attacking this global problem here.

More info: h/t: Feature Shoot



From the moment photographer Antoine came up with the idea for his project, he began storing recyclables in his home. There were almost daily newspapers, dirty milk bottles, toilet rolls, and more. After all, at the end of 4 years, he had 70 cubic meters of dirt. However, Antoine says that using garbage he collected over 4 years without artificially adding the necessary materials, gave his work a creative look.



As you scroll down through this gallery, you can see that each photo has been sorted by waste to give it a unique look. Often, by doing this, these creations have received a graphic effect. However, the project is based on the idea that people throw away too much stuff. It shows how much garbage, there is in the world and how much people care about it or not.



The main challenge that every country in the world is facing is the growing environmental harm caused by plastic pollution. However, according to the United Nations Environment Program, the world produces more than 200 million tons of plastic every year. Plastic is cheap and easy to use, so it is widely used in many products. This is a big problem, mostly in developing countries where there is a little grasp of the harm caused by discarded plastic.




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