The Photographer Creates Photos Of People Lying On The 7 Days Of Garbage They Have Collected

The trash problem is a global problem, and its effects are felt everywhere from huge Lakes to rivers. Over the past few decades, we have seen an unusual and dizzying boost in the garbage. No other generation in history has made as much garbage as ours. Although we are all aware of the global pollution problem and how responsible we need to be with our actions, no one realizes the amount of garbage they produce every day. Trash isn’t just a waste problem from an environmental view—it’s also a health problem. As landfills grow vaster, they emit more pollutants and breed disease. But what we often forget about waste is that it’s not always clear where it comes from or how it hurts us.

Photographer Gregg Segal has attacked this global problem through a powerful photo project called “7 Days of Garbage”. People who understood Gregg’s idea and posed for photos can be seen here lying in the garbage that they collected in 7 days. Often he has tried to depict every social level and it shows that we are all responsible for this problem. They have worked hard to take photos, but there is not as much gentleness as you might think in it. Because lying in the garbage can sometimes even push awful situations. That’s why some people didn’t want to even think about creativity. But you can see in the gallery below how Gregg coped brilliantly and succeeded in taking pictures.

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Alfie, Kirsten, Miles, And Elly

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Art And Sean

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Till And Nicholas

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

The photographs in “7 Days of Garbage” are stunning and thought-provoking. For 7 days the subjects are covered by the trash they collect, creating a portrait of their different lifestyles and habits. It includes not only what we throw away but also what we keep as mementos keep for sappy reasons or store for future use.


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Michael, Jason, Annie, And Olivia

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Adam, Atticus, Archer, And Amanda

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Sometimes you may find these pictures look like depressed people. Because people lying on piles of dirt – must be crazy. But that’s Gregg’s creativity. They show how much waste people produce daily. Gregg’s idea is to make people aware of the excessive extra and waste in our society through this project.

Tammy And Trevor

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

However, the amount of garbage we produce and send to landfills is mind-boggling. It’s not just our waste that’s the problem. Excessive packaging and general wasteful practices in many countries of the world are also big supporters of the global pollution problem.

James And Natey

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Joya, Santiniketan, Rabindranath, Chandramohan, Ben, Bodhisattva, And Omjabarindra

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

With this fantastic project by the photographer, we at Ruoox realized that waste control is a constant fight for many people. The truth is that we all know about the global pollution problem, but no one understands the amount of garbage they make every day. But finally, there is good news, and that is that you can take action today to reduce your waste and make your home environment more sustainable.

Sam And Jane

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Lya, Whitney, And Kathrin

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Alicia, Priscilla, And Delilah

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Arjay, Deanna, Carly, Ron, And Deron

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Marsha And Steve

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Elias, Jessica, Azai And Ri-Karlo

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Susan, Brittany, And Curtis

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Gregg, Hank, And Dani

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

Belinda And Robert

7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal


7 Days Of Garbage
© Gregg Segal

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