30 Tweets That Prove How Fun Pets Names Are, Their Owners Shared In A Thread

Sometimes, people lack unconditional love and loyalty. If to learn these two things well, every family should have a pet. No one can teach us that like them. It’s a wonderful world when you’re with your pets. Maybe someday we should learn to live with them in this world and share the world. However, if you are questioning whether getting a pet or having a pet is a good idea for you, the answer is probably no for these reasons. Pets are a big responsibility and sometimes a bit financially serious. You need to ask yourself if you have the time, desire, and resources to deal with them at this point in your life.

After asking about these requirements, deciding whether to buy or adopt a pet is a matter of personal preference. Many people like to adopt baby animals, but some people also like to adopt an adult pet. However, naming your chosen pet and calling them by that name will increase intimacy for everyone. When naming a pet, there is often an interesting story associated with that name. Of course, if you chat about their names, everyone will have a lot to talk about.

Meanwhile, a dog owner named Adam had started a thread on Twitter. To share their pet’s name with other pet owners around the world. It became a successful thread, garnering 488K likes and 37.6K retweets. This shows how eager many owners are to share their pet’s name and them. Here’s a collection of the interesting posts people shared on that thread. You can also join the thread from the link below. Don’t forget to share your pet’s name with us at the end of this collection of names.

More info: Twitter


2. Counteroffer: Cats With Basic Human Names. This Is Ralph.

3. This Is Gengis Lucifer Khan, “Gus”. My 2 Previous Cats Were Cat Jack-In-The-Box And William Metallica Shakespeare “Shakes”

Dogs seem to learn their names faster than most animals when it comes to calling a pet by name. Sometimes they care more about recognition than cats, pet mice, etc. However, parrots, of course, learn not only their names but also other words. A name is just a series of sounds that associate the animal with something. When teaching an animal to recognize its name, an easy way to do it is to give them a treat every time they respond to your chosen name. This creates an expectation that they will receive a reward every time they respond to their name. If your pet does not respond to the name, you can try it.

4. His Name Is Soup… As In French Onion

5. My Wifes Cat Is Named Vodka And Beer. Singular Cat. That’s His Full Name.

6. My Cat’s Full Name Is Pip E. Squeak Longstocking So Fair Point. She Is Evil Btw, Doesn’t Let Her Fool You.

Well, just as you come home to your family, your pet becomes a part of your family in no time. They give you an unnecessary reason to smile or laugh. It can instantly brighten your mood. Animals do silly things to get our attention, which often makes us laugh. They de-stress us. They just need love and attention for a while.

7. One Of His Name Is Sir. Richard Cranium, He’s Deaf, So It Doesn’t Matter What We Call Him. Sometimes When He’s Agreeable We Call Him Pudding.

8. Blackagar Boltagon,  Black Bolt Or For Ease Of Calling Him: B.B

9. Zen Or Zenny. She Wandered In The Apartment 10 Years Ago And Our Friend Said “Wow He’s So Chill, You Should Name Him Zen” Oh How Wrong We Were 😂.

10. My Kitty Spörk. 😇

11. This Is Chalupa

12. Opie & Ripley Say Hi!

13. This Is Baron Augustus Von Woofenstein, Of Course, He Acts Like He Is A Cat

14. Boris Karloff

15. My Cat’s Name Is Packaging. I’ve Been Waiting For This Tweet For Too Long.

16. Um This Is My Cat… Buddy

17. Also Rocket

18. All Of My Cats Since I Was A Kid Had Basic Human Names (Emily, William, Sidney, Whitney) Until We Let Our 4-Year-Old Name Skye.

19. The Dog Is Wendy And The Cat Is Doug Judy The Pontiac Bandit

20. Jeff Gordon Ramsay, Race Car Driving Chef

21. Her Name Is Mactha Because My Spouse Wouldn’t Let Me Name Her Poopysquirts.

22. Since Everyone Is Sharing, Here Is Machete

23. These Are Dr. Regina Orange And Ms. Jacqueline (Jackie) Squish

24. Kolby-Jack Doesn’t Dig This Slander

25. Ummm…… Actually, It’s Tuna And Mayonnaise.

26. I Have A Cat Named Frito. His Brothers Were Cheeto And Dorito. I Re-Named Him Upon Adoption, But This Made Me Laugh This Morning.

27. Baxter Aka “Bud Bud”

28. Cowboy

29. This Is Bucket. She Has No Teeth But She Doesn’t Mind.

30. This Is Dexter, Ya Know, Like The Serial Killer And The Child Prodigy.

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