Wonderful Camel Hair Art At Bikaner Camel Festival With Classic Indian Patterns

Haircuts can be an inspiration for artists. But a few of them have managed to take hair art skills to the next level. Sometimes through the art of cutting hair on animals. If you love animals and art, you’ve probably seen a ton of animal haircuts, from lions to pandas and dogs to penguins that give you deep cuteness overload. But have you ever seen camel hair art?

The Bikaner Camel Festival is a majestic pack of unique traditions, art, music, literature, and culture turning around the famous Bikaner camels. It is one of the biggest events in Rajasthan that brings together people from across the country to see this majestic animal in its part. The festival is best known for its stunning hair art on camels. Where owners with sharp scissors use camel hair to make traditional Indian patterns. So, many visitors come from outside to see these beautiful animals up close and personal. Those visual patterns have worked to reach the attraction beyond belief to some eyes. Ruoox, we have prepared a list of these stylish camel haircuts for your joy. So keep scrolling, this article will help you to know more about this festival and camel hair art.




Every January, a lot of visitors from across the country visit Bikaner to partake in and enjoy the Camel Festival of India. The festival is held to celebrate the beauty and grace of camels. It actually attracts visitors from all over the world to its famous desert festivals, like camel riding and camel trading. One of the unique parts of this festival is the classic artwork cut on the hair of camels that attracts everyone’s attention. Each camel’s hair here is carefully cut to define a specific theme or aspect.




The festival begins with a parade of beautifully colored and decorated camels. But with the all-interesting camel hair art form attracting worldwide interest, it has become a main magnet in Bikaner.

A camel often has to wait up to three years to get this incredible piece of art. In the first two years, the camel’s hair is grown and cut to a specific size. After that, the hair is cut into complex patterns for the festive season, adding the mark of the classic Indian art patterns you see here.


We think that if you are interested in art, this collection of images will be important to you. So don’t forget to share this article with your friends who love art.




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